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CSS Newsfeed #57 | Landwirtschaft und Klimakrise

CSS Newsfeed #57 | Landwirtschaft und Klimakrise

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CSS-Newsfeed #57

Landwirtschaft, Klimakrise


Kuratiert von Ephraim Pörtner | 25. Januar 2023


Heute zu LW: Glyphosat, Vertical Farming und (Gentech-)Proteine

Heute zur Klimakrise: nachhaltige Digitalisierung, COP15 und Ökologie als Leitdisziplin

Guten Tag  ‍Besucher ‍

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Hast Du selbst lesenswerte Neuigkeiten zu Fragen von Landwirtschaft und Klimakrise? Dann leite uns diese gerne weiter an


Beste Grüsse,

Ephraim (Co-Geschäftsführer CSS)

1. A Roundup herbicide causes high mortality and impairs development of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)

Januar 2023 | Science of the Total Environment

  • "Herbicides are only cursory tested for effects on non-target arthropods and usually do not include oral exposure
  • C. carnea larvae were exposed to a Glyphosate herbicide via food at concentrations below the recommended application rate
  • Oral exposure resulted in developmental arrest, impaired cocoon formation and high mortality
  • The identified hazard is highly relevant for risk assessment and warrants a fresh look at current pesticide testing schemes"
Science of the Total Environment

2. Ein Pilz für gute Ernten

Dezember 2022 | Agrarforschung Schweiz

"Arbuskuläre Mykorrhiza-Pilze sind wichtig für gesunde Böden und gute Ernten. Eine europaweite Studie zeigt, dass Pflanzenschutzmittel diesen Pilzen zusetzen. Dadurch verringert sich ihre Fähigkeit, Pflanzen über die Wurzeln mit Phosphor zu versorgen."

3. Vertical Farming: Landwirtschaft auf der Flucht

Dezember 2022 | WOZ

"Klimaresiliente Produktion von Grundnahrungsmitteln, garantierte Ernteerträge: Die Versprechen von Vertical Farming sind hochtrabend – und führen in die Irre. Der Energiebedarf ist exorbitant, die Ökobilanz desaströs, und insgesamt ist zweifelhaft, ob sich der Anbau in Innenräumen kommerziell je rechnen wird."

4. The Politics of Protein Report

März 2022 | iPES Food

The Politics of Protein is major report by IPES-Food that is "examining claims about livestock, fish, ‘alternative proteins’ and sustainability, sheding light on misleading generalisations that dominate public discussion about meat and protein, and warning of the risks of falling for meat techno-fixes."


5. George Monbiot teams up with Mark Lynas and the ecomodernists to Reboot Food

November 2022 | GM Watch

"George Monbiot recently tweeted that he was “excited to announce the upcoming launch of a radical new campaign I’ve been working on with RePlanet, called Reboot Food”. That campaign draws heavily on ideas in Monbiot’s latest book Regenesis, which champions “precision-fermentation” as a techno-fix for feeding the world on animal-free protein and fats while freeing up vast areas of farm land for rewilding. But Reboot Food also draws on the dubious agenda of those behind a new organisation called RePlanet, which is receiving a massive boost from Monbiot’s involvement in its campaign."

6. Digital Reset. Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation

Oktober 2022 | Digitalization for Sustainability (D4S)

"Time seems out of joint. The world society has experienced a centennial pandemic, the global thermometer has displayed a sequence of hottest years on record, and Russia’s war on Ukraine has shattered political order. Unsurprisingly, the economy is severely affected. Governments worldwide hope that digital technologies can provide key solutions. Yet this report shows that digitalisation, in its current and mainstream form, is rather aggravating than solving many of the pressing social and environmental crises at hand. What is needed instead is a deep sustainability transformation that fundamentally reorganises the economy and all its sectors – agriculture, mobility, energy, buildings, industry, and consumption. The report “Digital Reset” shows how digital technologies can support the quest for such a deep sustainability transformation."

Digital Reset Report

7. COP 15: A Bittersweet Bargain on Biodiversity

Dezember 2022 | ETC Group

"Despite some small victories, the critical principles of justice and precaution lost ground at COP 15 of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD), as business, billionaires and biotech-backers brokered a deal for biodiversity that would work in their interest."

A Bittersweet Bargain on Biodiversity


8. Ökologie als Leitdisziplin der Zukunft

Dezember 2022 | Christoph Küffer, ETH Zukunftsblog

"Eine naturbasierte Wirtschaft, die Lebensräume regeneriert und das Artensterben stoppt? Das kann gelingen, ist Christoph Küffer überzeugt – wenn wir die Ökologie in Forschung und Ausbildung stärken und ökologisches Know-how als Grundkompetenz in die Gesellschaft tragen."

ETH Zukunfts-Blog


9. How Tech is Remaking the Food System w/Jim Thomas

Dezember 2022 | Tech Won't Save Us Podcast

"Paris Marx is joined by Jim Thomas to discuss how digital technologies are being integrated into the industrial food system, how it empowers agribusiness firms and major tech companies, and its implications for farmers and farm workers. Guest Jim Thomas is the research director at ETC Group, which has over 25 years international experience tracking the impact of emerging technologies on human rights, biodiversity, equity and food systems."


10. Mariko Frame - What is ecological imperialism?

Dezember 2022 | EXALT Podcast

"This month on the pod we are delighted to be joined by Mariko Frame, who is Assistant Professor of Economics at Merrimack College in Massachusetts. (...). Dr. Frame introduces the idea of ecologically unequal exchange and how that can help to empirically understand the inequalities between the global North and South. She uses this as a jumping off point to understand how, why these relationships are perpetuated and the power relations that drive them. While sometimes the outlook can be bleak, Dr. Frame reminds us to think about where your money is going and support the local environmental and Indigenous groups resisting the world-system in your local community."

EXALT Podcast


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